Tourist information on Werfenweng and the surrounding area, from transport advice to suggested activities and attractions. Opening hours are usually Monday to Friday between 9am and midday, then 2pm and 5pm. On Saturdays, the tourist office is open between 4 and 6pm, while on Sundays you can visit between 10am and midday.
Touristinformation Werfenweng Weng 42, A-5453 Werfenweng Austria
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Raiffeisenkasse is a group of cooperative banks with branches across Austria. The Werfenweng branch (on Markt street) is usually open weekday mornings 8:30am – midday, and 2pm to 5pm in the afternoons – with the exception of Wednesdays when it only opens in the morning.
Weng 58 5453 Werfenweng Austria