Grand Alpine Tour Prequel – 3 sno people, 3 months, 30+ european ski holiday resorts
A few words and pictures on preparing our selves, lives and vintage Airstream for a 3 1/2 month tour of the major ski resorts for european ski holidays.
Is that entertaining if you don’t know us? … not sure… but you’ll come to know we three sno lovers and predict for yourself if we’ll be able to go from London-living-townies (him BBC telly maker, her Bank of America IT manager) to some kind of ski-resort/Romany/travelling hybrid… in 10 short weeks…
… laughter… tears… something for everyone!
1 – get Airstream and tow-car ready (see earlier caravan-geek post)

sno mobile gets ready to roll
2 – Rent the Putney Flat:
We can’t afford to be away on this mad adventure and also pay the mortgage, so our home must be rented – thanks to Gumtree we managed to do so in extremely short order… to a local young family, spookily similar to ourselves (he’s even a beeb chap)… makes you doubt your uniqueness that sort of encounter… however, they are lovely and need exactly the same duration tenancy as we need to fill (they’re having a big loft extension done and need to be elsewhere with 2 very small children) – Iddi deftly handled the flat renting process and this is a pleasing, if solitary, TICK on the to-do list.
2 – Choose 3 month route through the alps:
It’s a big old drive from London to the alps but once you’re there, all of the major ski resorts in France are within a few hours drive of each other
04/10/2009 @ 3:36 pm
thanks Sammi – it’s been eventful already – please subscribe by RSS or email and I’ll try to keep all the juicy bits in – if you really love it, please add a link to and even the blog – you might be helping to feed/clothe my child!
04/10/2009 @ 3:38 pm
thanks Jess – if you like reading about us, please add a link to us on your website – its the single nicest thing you can do to help us get our ski website going and spend more time in the mountains