Regional map
Town Map
The nearest airport to St Moritz in Switzerland is Zürich at a distance of approximately 200km. The Zürich to resort transfer time is approximately 3 hours 20 minutes with good road, traffic and weather conditions.
Nearest Airports | Airport Distance | Approx. Tansfer Time |
Zürich to ski resort transfer | 200km | 3 hours 20 minutes |
Milan / Milano to ski resort transfer | 200km | 3 hours 20 minutes |
Samedan to ski resort transfer | 7km | 10 minutes |
Nearest Stations | Station Distance | Approx. Tansfer Time |
St Moritz station to resort | 0km | 0 minute |
Before driving to St Moritz ski resort in Switzerland, check local traffic laws to ensure you're carrying mandatory driving equipment (a set of requirements for driving in Switzerland) and "winter driving equipment" (a different set of requirements for driving in the snow or the Swiss mountains in the winter) such as snow chains, hi-visibility vests, spare light bulbs and warning triangles. Each country has different laws - a big fine for being poorly equipped is an easy way to squander the saving you made on your superb value Sno holiday!
NB: Fitting snow chains for the first time can be tricky - learning to fit them at night, in a blizzard, on a busy and narrow St Moritz mountain road can be deadly. Learn how to fit snow chains to your car before you drive to St Moritz. If you are not confident driving on snow, don't risk it - book an airport transfer with one of the incredibly skilled and incredibly good value local drivers.